The Job isn’t complete until the customer is SOLD!!!



About Us

Phone: 618-521-8083

Fax: 618-351-8155


Finley Construction got its start the Fall 1983 when I began working as a sub-contractor with Dan Diercks.  We built a Log Home in Plato Center, in Northern, IL.  What a wonderful time of learning the In’s and Out’s of building Log Homes. 

Over the next 6 years I’d work with Dan on many different projects. New Construction, Remodels, Fire Jobs/Rehab’s, even some Historic Homes.  As I learned about building, I also learned how tearing something apart and putting it back together was much like life.  Little did I know at the time how God was using Dan to build into my life. (Thanks GOD & Thanks Dan)

In 1989 I married my wife Lori and shortly after that the Lord led us together into Ministry. Now, for the past 20+ Years I’ve worked as a Carpenter/Minister…  I mean really… What Would JESUS Do? 

I love to work with my hands and help people with the projects of life.

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Building into the lives of people!!!

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